爆撃・毒ガスなど独創的なアイディアに満ちた都市型キャンペーン。難易度がやや高く、マニア向け。 レビューページ 「Redemption II」 未完成だったL4D1版に改修・ステージ追加を施した完全版。クオリティが高く、ストーリー性もある。 レビューページ
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Hey guys, I came across this https://youtu.be/Ht8X3UhPtUs Delta-skin from Etterna/SM and would love to play with it! Been searching the web but couldn’t find Hey! This time I went 110% effort and tried to make the best minimal, but still a cool looking skin. I tried new stuff and tried to be creative. Links: Download: Google DriveLITE ver. : Google DriveSreenshots: ImgurHope you enjoy! Library of icons and cursors for Windows. Users can freely download and upload icon sets and cursor sets. More icons Visit the open icon library and download thousands of icons from various authors. Icons can be downloaded as Contribute to the Pool Join the world's biggest osu! skin community and share your skin elements or the ones you found (with permission, of course!). It's easy, give it a try! Pick What You Like Pre-made skins may look cool, but you 2015/07/18
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Hey guys, I came across this https://youtu.be/Ht8X3UhPtUs Delta-skin from Etterna/SM and would love to play with it! Been searching the web but couldn’t find
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