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2018/05/05 Depois dos lançamentos de Yggdrasill, Numenera, e muitos outros títulos, todos por financiamento coletivo, é a vez de Shadowrun 5ª Edição. Sim shadowrunners! O tão esperado tomo de Shadowrun , que ficou adormecido no Brasil na segunda edição, voltará ao mercado “bra s uca” de cara nova. CHARACTER NAME EYES AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT SKIN HAIR NAME CHARACTER BACKSTORY TREASURE CHARACTER APPEARANCE ADDITIONAL FEATURES & TRAITS ALLIES & ORGANIZATIONS SYMBOL TM I really think this is a must get for some great background on Shadowrun. Alamos 20k Afraid of the Darke - not a fan of him as much. Lofwy gets his own entry! I love that as the Boss is the face of Shadowrun to me. KSAF! SR6 Core Rulebook Errata – Feb 2020 SR6 Core Rulebook Errata – Aug 2019 SR6 Character Conversion Guide SR6 Character Sheet (Fillable PDF) What Is Shadowrun? The Sixth World Regions Metatypes Skill Sets
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